Dr. Jayne Yack
Position: Associate Professor of Biology, Carleton University since 2004
Jayne received her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto with Dr. James Fullard, where she studied the evolutionary origins of hearing in moths. She completed a postdoc with Dr. Ron Hoy at Cornell University, and is currently a professor in Biology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Jayne’s research focuses on sound and vibration communication in insects.
Email: jayne.yack [at] carleton.ca
Current Members
Conrado Denadai
Undergraduate Student
Biomechanics of Vocalization in Hawkmoth Caterpillars
András Dobai
M.Sc. Student
Acoustic sensory organs in bark beetles
Amanda Dookie
Ph.D. Student
Safe and Sound: Do Caterpillar Defence Sounds Startle Avian Predators?
Jordan Huffman
Undergraduate Student
Vibration reception in Drepana arcuata caterpillars
Kyle LeMay
Lab Technician
Antennal morphology of the Pine Engraver beetle, Ips pini
Amanda Lindeman
Ph.D. Student
Acoustic communication in bark beetles with a focus on Dendroctonus species
Chanchal Yadav
M.Sc. Student
Sociogenomics in larval Lepidoptera